Hi Everyone!
We’re excited to launch Creative Clues, a new monthly feature of Art Starts at Louisville Visual Art. With each new Clue, we’ll provide some pointers to help you succeed and improve.
Creative Clues Showcase
Deadline for artwork submission is May 31, 2022 at midnight.
How To: A Bouquet of Flower Art for You!
Something a little different for the lovely month of May folks. Instead on 2 or 3 inspiration artists, here are a “bunch of flower” inspirations for you. This may be a wonderful time to sit on your porch or by a flower in the park and take out your sketch book, take your watercolor set to Granny’s house and paint outside in her garden. Get up close, really close like “Oriental Poppies” by Georgia O’Keefe, or paint a landscape of the entire garden or water garden like “Water Lilies” by Claude Monet. So many flowers, so many ways to interpret: paint, draw, sculpt, collage, etc.
“When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it’s your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else. Most people in the city rush around so, they have no time to look at a flower. I want them to see it whether they want to or not.”
― Georgia O’Keefe
“I must have flowers, always, and always.”
― Claude Monet
“The earth laughs in flowers.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Art Project: Monet Water Lilies Print
Get creative with veggies and flowers, inspired by the famous painting Water Lilies by Monet. As you may have guessed from our flower bouquet above, Monet’s Water Lilies are a series of paintings. Learn more about Monet at here.
Supplies you will need:
Vegetables: celery, lettuce (old veggies – you will be getting these veggies covered in paints)
Rubber bands
Heavy paper or water color paper
Bright paints
Styrofoam plate for a palette
Newspaper to protect your table surface
Rags or paper towels
Send in your FLOWER artwork
Deadline for artwork submission is May 31, 2022 at midnight.
Content: family friendly (LVA will determine if artwork is appropriate to share online.)
Ages 5 to 105!
Photo Guidelines: here is a nifty link, if you want to learn to take great pictures of your artwork
Consent and Permission: By filling out the form below, you give LVA permission to display your artwork and information in the Creative Clue Showcase. *NOTE: if you are under 18 years old, please have a parent or guardian complete the form.
Address: email artwork to: artstartshere@louisvillevisualart.org
Social Media: you may share your artwork on Instagram: #artwithinreach, #ArtStartsAtLVA
LVA will notify you if your artwork is in the Creative Clues Showcase at the end of the month. artstartshere@louisvillevisualart.org
Remember to use your past How To pages to come up with creative solutions for your new clue:
January 2021 - Winter -Thumbnails
February 2021 - Heart - Research
March 2021 - Chair
April 2021 - Spring
May 2021 - Breeze
June 2021 - Light
July 2021 - Together
August 2021 - Trees
September 2021 - Apples & Pears
October 2021 - Pets
November 2021 - Leaf
December 2021 - Space
January 2022 - Moon
February 2022 - Dream
March 2022 - Dots
April 2022 - River