Hi Everyone!

We’re excited to launch Creative Clues, a new monthly feature of Art Starts at Louisville Visual Art. With each new Clue, we’ll provide some pointers to help you succeed and improve.

Creative Clues Showcase

Deadline for artwork submission is November 29, 2021 at midnight

How to: Communicating with Lines

Lines are the starting points for most artistic endeavors, like a drawing, or a painting or even a thumbnail sketch for a 3D project like a sculpture. A line is a path between one dot to another dot. There are five types of lines: curved, horizontal, diagonal, zig zag and vertical.

And from these five types of lines, we can make line variations, like thick or thin, scratchy or smooth, dashed or dotted.

And with all these lines and line variations, you can use lines in art in many ways. Here are some ways lines are used in art, contour lines, gesture lines, hatching, crosshatching and scumbling.

What a Difference a Line Can Make!

Let’s look at this simple emoji face. What emotions do you see when we just change the directions of the five types of lines? Just those tiny adjustments are very powerful.

You can print What a Difference a Line Makes!, and experiment with changing the lines and the way the faces feel.



What kind of lines do you see on leaves? Something to think about when you are drawing your Creative Clue – LEAF!


Zentangle or Zenpuzzle

A Zentangle is a relaxing and fun way to create intricate images by using structured patterns. Patterns made with lines! In this project we are going to use the five types of lines and line variations.


You will need:
11” x 17” white paper
Black marker, perhaps several black markers in different nib points
Scissors (optional)
Plastic zipper bag (optional)

  1. With a pencil, start by blocking off some large areas on your paper. You can use all of the line types to do these big areas. Inside of the big areas, use repetitive line types and line variations to create patterns. Repeat and repeat and repeat until you have filled your paper with lines, lines, lines!

2. Go over your pencil lines with your black markers. Now is the time to add more line variation and experiment with lines you find in art in your lines if you wish.

3. Once you have completed your marker line art, let your marker ink dry, and then erase the pencil marks.

What did you like about the art of Stephen Wiltshire from last month’s line inspiration?


What are three words that describe Keith Haring’s line art from the Mural at Collingwood?

Send in your LEAF artwork

Deadline for artwork submission is November 29, 2021 at midnight.

  • Content: family friendly (LVA will determine if artwork is appropriate to share online.)

  • Ages 5 to 105!

  • Photo Guidelines: here is a nifty link, if you want to learn to take great pictures of your artwork

  • Consent and Permission: By filling out the form below, you give LVA permission to display your artwork and information in the Creative Clue Showcase. *NOTE: if you are under 18 years old, please have a parent or guardian complete the form.

  • Address: email artwork to: artstartshere@louisvillevisualart.org

  • Social Media: you may share your artwork on Instagram: #artwithinreach, #ArtStartsAtLVA

LVA will notify you if your artwork is in the Creative Clues Showcase at the end of the month. artstartshere@louisvillevisualart.org

Remember to use your past How To pages to come up with creative solutions for your new clue:

January 2021 - Winter -Thumbnails

February 2021 - Heart - Research

March 2021 - Chair - Develop Your Artist Eye

April 2021 - Spring

May 2021 - Breeze

June 2021 - Light

July 2021 - Together

August - Trees