Hi Everyone!
We’re excited to launch Creative Clues, a new monthly feature of Art Starts at Louisville Visual Art. With each new Clue, we’ll provide some pointers to help you succeed and improve.
Creative Clues Showcase
Deadline: April 28, 2021
Mix it Up!
Think about artist’s tools.
Creativity doesn’t come from doing the same thing over and over again. Like your morning routine: brushing your teeth, putting on your shirt and pants and shoes, eating breakfast. Same thing every morning, boring! Try brushing your teeth with your other hand, or getting dressed from the bottom up instead of the top down. Little things right, but those changes might be enough to spark new energy into your morning. It works. It is the same with your artwork. If you only draw really realistically with a pointy pencil on a white paper, maybe, next time try drawing with a giant fat paint brush on a piece colored paper? How about turning the pencil upside down and using the eraser as your drawing tool, dabbing on dots? It is just an experiment to break you out of your same old, same old. You may like it, you may not, and either way is okay. The whole point of this exercise is to jump you out of your usual pattern, and experiment with something new.
Scavenger Hunt. Now you may have a brush or two in your art kit, some pencils and paper, but what else is laying around your home that you could create with? Grab a little bag or box and search out 5 to 10 weird items that could make new and unusual brushes, stamps, scratching tools, building tools. Remember, these tools may end up with some paint or other messy supplies on them. Try the recycling bin for papers, cardboard and construction materials. You may find your favorite new paint brush in the yard!
Maybe once a month could be Draw With Something Weird Day. What about the 13th of the month, maybe you’ll get lucky and find and art technique that inspires your next great piece of art?
Remember to use your past How To pages to come up with creative solutions for your new clue:
January 2021 - Winter -Thumbnails
February 2021 -Heart - Research
March 2021 - Chair - Develop Your Artist Eye
April 2021 - Spring
May 2021 - Breeze
June 2021 - Light
July 2021 - Together
August - Trees
Send in your SPRING artwork
Deadline for artwork submission is April 28, 2021 at midnight.
Content: family friendly (LVA will determine if artwork is appropriate to share online.)
Ages 5 to 105!
Photo Guidelines: here is a nifty link, if you want to learn to take great pictures of your artwork
Consent and Permission: By filling out the form below, you give LVA permission to display your artwork and information in the Creative Clue Showcase. *NOTE: if you are under 18 years old, please have a parent or guardian complete the form.
Address: email artwork to: artstartshere@louisvillevisualart.org
Social Media: you may share your artwork on Instagram: #artwithinreach, #ArtStartsAtLVA
LVA will notify you if your artwork is in the Creative Clues Showcase at the end of the month.