Deadline: February 23, 2021
How To: Thump, Thump – Thump, Thump…find out everything you can about HEART
Research is investigation – searching – that expands the researcher’s understanding of a subject. How could you research heart, the subject of this month’s Creative Clue? You’ll need to start by asking questions like these:
What are the definitions of heart? (Did you know it has more than one?)
What is its derivation? (That’s a word’s history, including meanings it had before the meanings it has now.)
What are some famous quotations or expressions that include the word heart? (These can reveal influential ways other people have thought about the word.)
Does heart have synonyms? (Those are other words that mean the same thing.)
How does your beating heart work inside your body?
Finding answers to these questions – and any others you can ask about heart – is RESEARCH. With help from a grown-up, if you need it, do your own research into heart. This could be web searching, looking in a dictionary, reading an encyclopedia (if you can find one!), watching a movie or show, or just talking to someone who might know a thing or two, like a grandparent, parent, aunt or uncle.
Pack as much new knowledge about heart into your brain as you can, then let it knock around, bubble up, and turn over in there for a couple days. Thinking about it might make you ask some new questions about heart and research their answers.
The next step is to remember thumbnails from January’s Creative Clue. (You can check here if you missed that one: January 2021-Thumbnails) Open your sketchbook or journal and make some thumbnails that use what you’ve learned about heart to show the subject in a new way. Maybe you’ll depict one of the meanings of heart from the past. Maybe you’ll put your viewer inside the heart of a blue whale – the largest heart that has ever lived on Earth. With all of your new heart smarts, you’ll be ready to imagine a unique and unexpected piece of heart art. People who see it might even learn something they didn’t know!
Remember to use your past How To pages to come up with creative solutions for your new clue:
January 2021 - Winter -Thumbnails
February 2021 -Heart - Research
March 2021 - Chair - Develop Your Artist Eye
April 2021 - Spring
May 2021 - Breeze
June 2021 - Light
July 2021 - Together
August - Trees