School’s Out=Art’s In is a partnership between the Fund for the Arts cultural partners and Metro Louisville Community Centers, sponsored by UPS.
The goal of School’s Out=Art’s In is to make the arts accessible to children across Jefferson County by providing programming in summer camps at the 19 community centers administered by Louisville Metro Parks. Every summer, community centers program a variety of programs for neighborhood children; however, few have had the funds to engage artists or organizations to provide arts camps. Through School’s Out=Art’s In, the Fund for the Arts will make grants to community centers for arts programming that suits their needs and interests.
Picture Love is a partnership between Louisville Metro and LVA that teaches the art and skill of photography. The resulting images capture a meaningful moment in each participant’s personal history while painting a larger picture of Louisville as a whole.
Each summer since 2013, Picture Love has provided an opportunity for students at Louisville Metro Community Centers with opportunities to learn photography basics by exploring image-making throughout the years! Students begin the summer creating cyanotypes (one of the oldest forms of photography, dating back to 1842!) and move on to use disposable film cameras, Polaroid cameras, and finally digital cameras.
Students discover talents they didn't know they had, gain confidence, learn to collaborate with classmates, and develop their own creative voice. The project culminates in an exhibition and a publication of their work.
VA partnered with Kosair Charities and Fund for the Arts to bring programming to Home of the Innocents and Visually Impaired preschool for 28 weeks as part of Art for Kosair Kids®
At Visually Impaired Preschool, our curriculum developed student's fine motor skills while acting as an exploration of senses with an emphasis on sound and tactile materials. Students created various musical instruments to be used in conjunction with musical therapy classes and also explored tactile materials to encourage pre-literacy development. During the 28 weeks we saw a huge amount of social development between students as they worked together to create individual and collaborative works of art.
At Home of The Innocents, we programmed traditional art therapy sessions as well as giving students the opportunity to explore different artistic practices including photography, design, and painting. The session resulted in each student designing their own coloring book, creating their own narrative through photography, as well as contributing to a permanent mural installed at Home of The Innocents.
The Future Is Now is a mentorship program that matches high school students with professional local artists in Louisville, Kentucky. We are excited to to continue our partnership with KyCAD!
Over the course of this program, each student/mentor team works towards creating individual and collaborative pieces for an exhibition showcasing their work.
Along the way, program facilitators from Louisville Visual Art and KyCAD work with artist mentors to teach the students new artistic processes, portfolio building, how to get the most out of a critique of their work, how to give meaningful critiques of their peers' work, exhibition design, installation, marketing, and what it takes to be a professional artist.
The program culminates in the gallery, where students experience curatorial practices by participating in exhibition layout and installation of artwork. They also help with promoting and hosting the opening reception.
Studio 2000 is a partnership between Louisville Metro Parks and LVA. Studio 2000 allows high school students who are interested in pursuing visual art as a career to have the opportunity to work with professional artists in clay, fiber, mixed media, and mural art while also receiving a $500 stipend at the end of the eight-week session. The program culminates with a public exhibition and sale at the end of the summer that brings proceeds back to Studio 2000 to support future programming.