Online Auction June 25 -26, 2024
art[squared] IS BACK!
Canvases Are Due by May 20
get yours early . . . quantities are limited
Louisville Visual Art invites you to participate in our 10th Annual art[squared] Auction
Download additional canvas information inserts here
Louisville Visual Art asks you to consider contributing an 8" x 8" artwork to the 11th Annual art[squared]. Proceeds from this exciting fundraiser support all of LVA's vital programming, from Children's Fine Art Classes (CFAC) to the Mural Art Program to Open Doors Outreach for at-risk youth to the Artist Resource Series.
LVA truly values the time and effort of each and every artist who makes art[squared] possible. Your donation of an artwork helps us continue to nurture Louisville's entire art ecosystem.
HOW art[squared] WORKS
1. Local artists 18 and older are invited to submit a finished 8"x 8" canvas. (One canvas will be provided FREE to each artist, compliments of Preston Arts Center, Artist & Craftsman Supply and LVA). One canvas per artist, due to limited availability.
2. Artists use the complimentary 8" x 8" canvas to create work in the medium of their choice! (Painting is only one option, all mediums are welcome. Artists may affix photos, bas relief, collage, etc. to the provided canvas OR provide their own substrate. as long as it hangs in an 8” x 8” footprint. ) All nontraditional paintings/artwork must be wired to hang.
3. Artists need to fill out the forms provided with the free canvas (or download the form here if you are providing your own canvas).
4. Artworks are not anonymous this year. Please sign the front of your canvases!
4. Drop off your completed art contribution at any of the locations listed below by May 20, 2024.
Starting March 20: Pick up your blank 8" x 8" canvas from one of the locations listed below
May 20: Turn in your completed art to any of the locations listed below.
June 25 - art[squared] Auction / 6:30pm – Bidding is open
June 26 7:00 -9:00pm – Invite-only Reception (PLEASE RSVP by link emailed to participating artists), art[squared] Auction Bidding Closes at 9:00pm.
PLEASE NOTE: There was a reception date change. This adjustment is necessary due to another major event taking place at the same time.
Original art[squared] reception date: Thursday, June 27th
NEW art[squared] reception date: Wednesday, June 26th
Tickets will not be required to attend this online event. So please share with your friends and spread the word! We will be sending out the auction link once we have received all of the artworks.
LVA Office
1538 Lytle Street, Louisville, KY
Monday - Thursday, 10am-4pm
Artist & Craftsman Supply
1002 Barret Ave, Louisville, KY
Monday - Sunday 10am-6pm
Mudpies Studio & Gallery
12902 Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY
Monday - Friday, 9:30am-12:30pm
Preston Arts Center
8101 Warwick Avenue
Monday-Friday 9-6:30, Saturday 9-5:30, Sunday 12-5
Revelry Boutique Gallery
742 East Market Street, Louisville, KY
Tuesday - Thursday, 11am-7pm; Fridays & Saturdays, 11am-10pm
Sundays & Mondays, 11am-5pm
*Unsold art[squared] artworks] are used in other LVA fundraisers or given to donors as a thank you for their donation. If you would like your artwork back, you may make arrangement to come by the LVA office and pick it up. Donations are appreciated (donations go to the supplies provided and the expenses of the event).