art[squared] FAQ’s

Where do I find the art[squared] auction?
You can preview the work in the auction anytime.

How do I register for the art[squared] auction?
Visit and create your account before or during the auction.
You will not be asked for a credit card until you have been confirmed as the highest bidder on items.

When can I start bidding on artwork?
Bidding begins at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, June 25th

How do I bid on an item?

Visit and create an account. At 6:30 on June 25th the bidding will begin for registered participants. Auction items start at just $85. Bids on auction items will be $10 increments.

If I win an auction item, how do I obtain the artwork?

You will be sent an invoice to the email address provided during registration. You will have 24 hours to pay your invoice. Once paid, you may pick up your auction item at the LVA Office during office hours or by appointment (1538 Lytle Street) or have it shipped to your address for a $15 fee.

What happens if I get outbid at the last minute?

The auction closes June 27th at 9:00 pm EST. The final bid at that time is the winner of the artwork.

When is the art[squared] auction over?
The art[squared] auction ends on Thursday, June 27th, at 9:00PM. All sales are final.

How do I pay for my artworks after I have won an auction item?

You will be emailed an invoice to pay at the end of an auction item you have won.